About us

Ismael has a PhD in philosophy of science, graduated from Grenoble Alpes University (France), his thesis was about intellectual property. He has been programming applications since high school, and he developed an expertise in scientific programming during his Bsc and Msc in physics and a more specific expertise in behavioral game theory experimentation design during his thesis.
Nicolas has a degree in Social Work and Political Science. After a significant experience as a specialized educator with people in great precariousness or suffering from autistic disorders, he co-founded the Collectif de recherche transdisciplinaire esprit critique et sciences (CORTECS) in order to promote the teaching and dissemination of critical thinking and intellectual self-defense.

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Meet us
Tired of zoom meetings?

Located in Grenoble, we can meet on the shores of the Isère River, in a bucolic place, in the middle of the mountain.